2024 Summer Colloquium

* Geneviève Barrette, McGill University – “Marguerite Porete, natural virtues and annihilation”

* Jeff Brower, Purdue University – “Medieval Theories of External Relations—Aquinas as a Case Study”

* Nate Bultuis, St Joseph’s University – “Content and Cognitive Architecture: Two Late Medieval Models”

* Sarah Byers, Boston College – “Synderesis in Aquinas as Stoic Suntērēsis: Correcting a Common Misconception”

* Zi’ang Chen, University of Jyväskylä – “Wit, Laugh, Play: Virtue and Vice in the Scholastic Readings of Aristotle’s Eutrapelia

Philip Choi, KU Leuven (zoom)

Ashley Comstock, College of St Scholastica (zoom)

Milo Crimi, Occidental College (zoom)

Diego Espinoza, University of Toronto (zoom)

Alina Feld, York College, CUNY (zoom)

Russell Friedman, KU Leuven (zoom)

* Michael Gorman, Catholic University of America – “Aquinas on Belonging to a Category Per Reductionem

* Heine Hansen, University of Copenhagen – “Abelard’s Ontology of Forms: Some New Evidence from the Nominales and the Albricani

Leslie Harper, University of Virgina (zoom)

Karolina Hübner, Cornell University

Vikram Kumar, Cornell University

Can Laurens Löwe, Kings College, University of London (zoom)

* Scott MacDonald, Cornell University – “Revisiting the Paradox of Inquiry in Confessions 10”

Kamil Majcherek, Trinity College, Cambridge

Andre Martin, McGill University (zoom)

* Robert Pasnau, University of Colorado – “Voluntarism and Moral Luck”

* Jenny Pelletier, KU Leuven – “The Ordering Principles of Structured Aggregates in Ockham: A Social Case Study”

* Giorgio Pini, Fordham University – “Seeing God Face to Face: Thomas Aquinas (and Others) on What Is in the Mind of the Blessed”

William D. Schell, Union Theological Seminary (zoom)

Mary Sirridge, Louisiana State University

Zita Toth, King’s College, London (zoom)

Andrew Van Arlig, Brooklyn College

Christina Van Arlig, Barnard College

Alexander Vega, Harvard University (zoom)

* Thomas Williams, Georgetown University – “Duns Scotus on the Moral Attributes of God”

Rega Wood, Indiana University (zoom)

Rui Xu, University of Toronto (zoom)