Jacob Archambault, Fordham University
Charles Brittain, Cornell University/ University of Toronto
Jeff Brower, Purdue University: “God as the Supreme Good—Anselm’s Platonic Argument”
Susan Brower-Toland, St Louis University: “Ockham and Chatton on the Metaphysics of Miracles”
Francesca Bruno, Cornell University
Nate Bulthuis, Colgate University: “Objective Propositions in Walter Burley’s Super Artem Veterem”
Ashley Dressel, College of St Scholastica
Augie Faller, Cornell University
Peter Hartman, Loyola University Chicago: “The Ontological Status of Mental Acts: John Duns Scotus and Durand of Saint-Pourcain”
Tobias Hoffmann, Catholic University of America: “Freedom without Choice”
Scott MacDonald, Cornell University: “Memoria in Augustine’s Philosophy of Mind”
Paul Medeiros, Providence College
John Morrison, Barnard College
John Peck, SJ, Notre Dame
Giorgio Pini, Fordham University: “Scotus on Accidents without Substance”
Fr. Raphael Mary Salzillo, OP, Notre Dame
Machessa Samz, Fordham University
Anat Schechtman, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Mary Sirridge, Louisiana State University: “Anselm on the Justice and Mercy of God: Seneca in the 11th Century?”
Zita Toth, Fordham University/Conception Seminary College
Scott Williams, UNC, Asheville: “Henry of Ghent on the Trinity and the Metaphysics of Modality”
Thomas Williams, University of South Florida: “Can Anselm Have Everything He Wants?”