2014 Summer Colloquium

Deborah Black, University of Toront0 – Sensing Bodies, Sensing Ourselves: Avicenna on the Nature of Sensation

Josh Blander, The King’s College – Exchanging the Natural for the Unnatural? Ockham on Natural Priority

Charles Brittain, Cornell University

Jeff Brower, Purdue University – Aquinas and the medieval problem of universals

Susan Brower-Toland, St Louis University – Ockham on Inherence

Laurent Cesalli, CNRS, Université de Lille 3 – Modus rei: An adverbialist theory of truthmaking

Francesca Bruno, Cornell University

Nate Bulthuis, Cornell University

Peter Hartman, Loyola University, Chicago

Andrew Hicks, Cornell University

Erik Kenyon, Rollins College

Scott MacDonald, Cornell University – Augustine’s Thinking (in De trinitate) about Self-knowledge

Rafael Nájera, Brown University – The Role of the Body in Scientia

Tamer Nawar, Oxford University – Augustine on Self-Knowledge

Stephen Ogden, Yale University

Sydney Penner, Ohio State University

Martin Pickavé, University of Toronto – Francis of Marchia on the Nature of Freedom

Kara Richardson, Syracuse University – Avicenna on the Scope of Final Causation

Daniel Schwartz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem – The Late Scholastics and the Demandingness Objection

Michael Siebert, University of Toronto

Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp, Autonomous Metropolitan University, Mexico City – An Averroistic interpretation of Albert the Great’s theory of the rational soul

Jacob Tuttle, Purdue University – Suárez’s Metaphysics of Active Powers