Peter Adamson, Univ. of Munich – Al-Razi on the Philosophical Life (by skype)
Andrew Arlig, Brooklyn College – Mereological Principles for Successive Entities
Deborah Black, University of Toronto – Intentionality and the Knowledge of Separate Substances in Avicenna and Aquinas
Francesca Bruno, Cornell University
Nate Bulthuis, Cornell University – Walter Burley on the Real Proposition
Sarah Byers, Boston College – Is God ‘Being’? Victorinus and Plotinus in Augustine
Laurent Cesalli, CNRS, University of Geneva – Making sense: Some meanings of ‘meaning’ in medieval (and contemporary) philosophies of language and mind
Therese Cory, Seattle University – Abstraction as Unwrapping, X-Raying, or Actualizing? Aquinas and His Arabic Sources
Antoine Côté, University of Ottawa
Ashley Dressel, University of California, Irvine
Brian Embry, University of Toronto
Laura Gallivan, Mt Allison University
Andrew Galloway, Cornell University
Michael Gorman, Catholic University – Christology, Consistency, and the Pragmatic Aquinas
Andrew Hicks, Cornell University
Bonnie Kent, University of California, Irvine – Peter Olivi and the Problem of Heavenly Freedom
Scott MacDonald, Cornell University
Claudio Majolino, Université de Lille 3 – Making sense: Some meanings of ‘meaning’ in medieval (and contemporary) philosophies of language and mind
Ben Martin, Boston College
Stephen Ogden, Yale University
Martin Pickavé, University of Toronto
Giorgio Pini, Fordham University
Jean Porter, University of Notre Dame
Kara Richardson, Syracuse University – Avicenna and the Principle of Sufficient Reason
Jacob Tuttle, Purdue University
Mary Sirridge, Louisiana State University – Logicians on “relatives as grammarians understand them”
Christina Van Dyke, Calvin College – You Can’t Handle the Truth: Realism and the Beatific Vision
Rob Wisnovsky, McGill University – Varieties of Avicennism in the early commentaries on Avicenna’s *Isharat*
Dave Zettel, Cornell University