Andrew Arlig, Brooklyn College – Identity and Parthood According to Some Medieval Philosophers
Deborah Black, University of Toronto
Josh Blander, UCLA/Loyola Marymount University – Coming Apart at the Same: Scotus on Separability
Susan Brower-Toland, St Louis University – Ockham on Self-Consciousness and Self-Knowledge
Charles Brittain, Cornell University
Francesca Bruno, Cornell University
Nate Bulthuis, Cornell University
Sarah Byers, Boston College – Some Augustinian Arguments About Bodies, God, and Angels
Jed Delahoussaye, Southern Illinois University – Scotus on Charity and Sacrifice
Christophe Erismann, University of Helsinki – Explaining Resemblance: Gilbert of Poitiers and Alan of Lille’s Conformitas Theory Reconsidered
Hester Gelber, Stanford University
Bernd Goehring, University of Notre Dame
Michael Gorman, Catholic Univ. of America – Reduplication in Aquinas’s Christology
Jeffrey Hause, Creighton University – A Charitable Interpretation of Justice
Tobias Hoffmann, Catholic Univ. of America – The Will as Vis Collativa: Duns Scotus on Quasi-Cognitive Functions of the Will
Bonnie Kent, UC, Irvine – Hidden Dispositions in the History of Ethics
Erik Kenyon, Cornell University
Peter King, University of Toronto – Augustine on Pears and Perversity
Matthew Klemm, Ithaca College
Timothy Lopez Jr, UC, Irvine
Scott MacDonald, Cornell University
Gareth Matthews, UMass Amherst
Colleen McCluskey, St Louis University – Is There Truly Malice in Aquinas?
Stephen Ogden, Yale University
Sydney Penner, Cornell University
Giorgio Pini, Fordham University
Michael Siebert, University of Toronto
Mary Sirridge, Louisiana State University
Christina Van Dyke, Calvin College
Rega Wood, Stanford University – What Price the Horror of the Vacuum? Interstitial Vacua and Aristotelian Science
Dave Zettel, Cornell University