2008 Summer Colloquium


Josh Blander, UCLA

Charles Brittain, Cornell University

Jeff Brower, Purdue University

Nate Bulthuis, Cornell University

Brian Embry, University of Houston

Megan Embry, University of Houston

Jeff Hause, Creighton University

Erik Kenyon, Cornell University

Neil Lewis, Georgetown University

Scott MacDonald, Cornell University

Gareth Matthews, UMass, Amherst

Jeffrey McDonough, Harvard University

Cyrille Michon, Université de Nantes

Stephen Ogden, Yale University

Sydney Penner, Cornell University

Giorgio Pini, Fordham University

Jean Porter, University of Notre Dame

Mary Sirridge, Louisiana State University

Christina Van Dyke, Calvin College

Kate Waidler, Cornell/Wheaton College

Thomas Williams, University of South Florida

Jack Zupko, Emory University


Thursday, May 29

2:30–2:45 Announcements

Session 1 (2:45–4:00)

Jeff Brower, Purdue University

Aquinas on Matter, Form, and Individuation

4:00–4:30 Break

Session 2 (4:30-5:45)

Christina Van Dyke, Calvin College

Mysticism and Medieval Philosophy

7:30 Pizza at Scott MacDonald’s House

Friday, May 30

Session 3 (9:00–10:15)

Gareth Matthews, University of Mass, Amherst

Augustine on Reading Scripture

10:15–10:45 Break

Session 4 (10:45–12:00)

Thomas Williams, University of South Florida

Against the Frankfurtian Reading of Anselm’s Theory of Free Choice

12:00-1:30 Lunch

Session 5 (1:30-2:45)

Cyrille Michon, Université de Nantes

Is Aquinas’ Conception of Liberum Arbitrium Coherent?

2:45-3:00 Short break

Session 6 (3:00-4:15)

Jean Porter, University of Notre Dame

Natural Law and Moral Universalism:

Considerations from Aquinas and Others

4:15-4:45 Break

Session 7 (4:45-6:00)

Jack Zupko, Emory University

Using Seneca to Read Aristotle: The Curious Methods of Buridan’s Ethics

7:30 Picnic at Stewart Park

Saturday, May 31

Session 8 (9:00-10:15)

Jeff Hause, Creighton University

Misconceiving Hope

10:15-10:45 Break

Session 9 (10:45-12:00)

Giorgio Pini, Fordham University

Scotus on Knowing and Naming Natural Kinds

12:00-1:30 Lunch

Session 10 (1:30-2:45)

Josh Blander, UCLA

Something on Scotus or Ockham

2:45-3:00 Short break

Session 11 (3:00-4:15)

Kate Waidler, Cornell University

Charity and Ultimate Ends in Aquinas

4:15-4:30 Break

Session 12 (4:30-5:45)

Scott MacDonald, Cornell University

Augustinian Puzzles about Divine Presence

6:30 Dinner