2007 Summer Colloquium


Andrew Arlig, Brooklyn College

Michael Barnwell, Niagara University

Deborah Black, University of Toronto

John Boler, University of Washington, Emeritus

Charles Brittain, Cornell University

Susan Brower-Toland, St. Louis University

Sarah Byers, Ave Maria University

Rebecca DeYoung, Calvin College

Blake Dutton, Loyola University, Chicago

Bernd Goehring, University of Notre Dame

Erik Kenyon, Cornell University

Peter King, University of Toronto

Scott MacDonald, Cornell University

Gareth Matthews, UMass, Amherst

Colleen McCluskey, St Louis University

Sydney Penner, Cornell University

Giorgio Pini, Fordham University

Michael Rota, University of St Thomas

Christina Van Dyke, Calvin College

Kate Waidler, Cornell University

Rega Wood, Stanford University

Joseph Yarbrough, Cornell University


Thursday, May 31

2:30–2:45 Announcements

Session 1 (2:45–4:00)

Bernd Goehring, University of Notre Dame

Henry of Ghent on Remembering after Death

4:00–4:30 Break

Session 2 (4:30-5:45)

Giorgio Pini, Fordham University

Beatific vision and the mechanism of cognition

from Thomas Aquinas to Henry of Ghent

7:30 Pizza at Scott MacDonald’s House (130 Sunset Drive)

Friday, June 1

Session 3 (9:00–10:15)

Colleen McCluskey, St Louis University

Thomas Aquinas and the Epistemology of Moral Wrongdoing

10:15–10:45 Break

Session 4 (10:45–12:00)

Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, Calvin College

Aquinas on the Capital Vices

12:00-1:30 Lunch

Session 5 (1:30-2:45)

Andrew Arlig, Brooklyn College

Is the Collection Theory of Universals Defensible?

2:45-3:00 Short break

Session 6 (3:00-4:15)

Rega Wood, Stanford University

Rufus on Points

4:15-4:45 Break

Session 7 (4:45-6:00)

Deborah Black, University of Toronto

Avicenna on Individuation, Self-Awareness, and God’s Knowledge of Particulars

7:30 Picnic at Stewart Park

Saturday, June 2

Session 8 (9:00-10:15)

Susan Brower-Toland, St Louis University

William Ockham and Walter Chatton on Judgment: How Chatton Changed Ockham’s Mind

10:15-10:45 Break

Session 9 (10:45-12:00)

Blake Dutton, Loyola University, Chicago

Why the Academics Cannot Answer the Inaction Objection:

Augustine on the Incoherence of Skepticism as a Practical Program

12:00-1:30 Lunch

Session 10 (1:30-2:45)

Gareth Matthews, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Augustine and the KK Principle

2:45-3:00 Short break

Session 11 (3:00-4:15)

Sarah Byers, Ave Maria University

Solving the Riddle of Confessions 8.27: Stoic Epistemology in Augustine’s Theory of Action

4:15-4:45 Break

Session 12 (4:45-6:00)

Michael Barnwell, Niagara University

Virtual Deliberation in Suarez: A Key to Solving Negligent Omissions

7:30 Dinner