Andrew Arlig, The Ohio State University
John Boler, University of Washington (emeritus)
Charles Brittain, Cornell University
Jeff Brower, Purdue University
Susan Brower-Toland, St. Louis University
Bernd Goehring, Cornell University
Jeff Hause, Creighton University
Peter King, The Ohio State University
Neil Lewis, Georgetown University
Scott MacDonald, Cornell University
Gareth Matthews, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Colleen McCluskey, St. Louis University
Creighton Rosental, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Mike Rota, St. Louis University
Christina Van Dyke, Calvin College
Jim Wetzel, Colgate University
Thomas Williams, University of Iowa
Thursday, May 29
2:30-3:45Session 1: Jeff Brower, Purdue University
Anselm’s Metaethics and Moral Psychology
3:45-4:15 Break
4:15-5:45Session 2: Thomas Williams, University of Iowa
Anselm on Truth
7:00 Pizza at Scott MacDonald’s House (130 Sunset Drive)
Friday, May 30
9:00-10:15 Session 3: Bernd Goehring, Cornell University
Henry of Ghent on ‘species’ and ‘verbum’
10:15-10:45 Break
10:45-12:00 Session 4: Susan Brower-Toland, St. Louis University
Objects of Judgment Just Ain’t in the Head:
Wodeham’s Criticism of Ockham
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:45 Session 5: Gary Matthews, Univ. of Massachsetts, Amherst
Two Arguments in Augustine for Mind-Body Dualism
2:45-3:00 Short break
3:00-4:15 Session 6: Jim Wetzel, Colgate University
Augustine’s Mythology of Sin
4:15-4:45 Break
4:45-6:00 Session 7: Scott MacDonald, Cornell University
Petit Larceny and the Root of all Evils:
Augustine’s Theft of the Pears
7:15 Picnic at Stewart Park
Saturday, May 31
9:00-10:15 Session 8: Andrew Arlig, The Ohio State University
Abelard’s Mereology
10:15-10:45 Break
10:45-12:00 Session 9: Jeff Hause, Creighton University
Abelard on Degrees of Merit and Blame
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:45 Session 10: Michael Gorman, Catholic University of America
Essence and the Essential-Accidental Distinction
2:45-3:00 Short break
3:00-4:15 Session 11: Colleen McCluskey, St. Louis University
Aquinas on Malicious Acts
4:15-4:45 Break
4:45-6:00 Session 12: Christina Van Dyke, Calvin College
Disembodied Souls and Divine Intervention
7:00 Dinner at Hai Hong Chinese Restaurant (602 W. State St.–corner of State and Meadow)