1998 Summer Colloquium


Robert Andrews (Franciscan Institute)

E. Jennifer Ashworth (University of Waterloo)

John Boler (University of Washington)

Jeff Brower (Calvin College)

Susan Brower-Toland (Cornell University)

Mark Case (Cornell University)

Jeff Hause (St. John’s Seminary College)

Hannes Jarka-Sellers (Cornell University)

Norman Kretzmann (Cornell University)

Scott MacDonald (Cornell University)

Colleen McCluskey (St. Louis University)

Robert Pasnau (St. Joseph’s University)

Christina Van Dyke (Cornell University)

Winthrop Wetherbee (Cornell University)

Jack Zupko (Emory University)


Thursday, May 28


12:00-1:30Lunch (for those present and willing)


1:30-2:45Jeff Brower (Calvin College)

Albert the Great on relations


2:45-3:15 Break


3:15-4:30Robert Andrews

(Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University)

Scotus’s introduction to the categories


4:30-4:40Short break


4:40-5:55 Mark Case (Cornell University)

Scotus, Indeterminism, and

the Problem of Infinite Regress


7:30Dinner at Scott MacDonald’s (130 Sunset Drive)


Friday, May 29


9:00-10:15 Jenny Ashworth (University of Waterloo)

Praepositinus or William of Auxerre on

religious language




10:45-12:00Colleen McCluskey (St. Louis University)

Philip the Chancellor on liberum arbitrium




1:30-2:45Bob Pasnau (St. Joseph’s University)

Peter John Olivi and the medieval origins

of the free will debate




3:15-4:30John Boler (University of Washington, emeritus)

A problem in assessing Ockham’s ontological project


4:30-4:40Short break


4:40-5:55Jack Zupko (Emory University)

The priest who celebrated for two




Saturday, May 30


9:00-10:15Norman Kretzmann (Cornell University, emeritus)

Dr. Ruth meets Doctor Angelicus




10:45-12:00Jeff Hause (St. John’s Seminary College)

Aquinas on non-voluntary acts




1:30-2:45Christina Van Dyke (Cornell University)

Aquinas’s metaphysical amphibians


2:45-3:15 Break


3:15-4:15 Pete Wetherbee (Cornell University)

Dante’s Convivio


4:15-4:25Short break


4:25-5:55Hannes Jarka-Sellers (Cornell University)

How to understand Aquinas’s metaphysics:

recognizing the Platonist foundation


7:30Dinner at Hai Hong Chinese Restaurant

(602 W. State St.–corner of State and Meadow)